Auður Ómarsdóttir (b.1988, Reykjavík, Iceland) is currently based in Reykjavík, Iceland.
She is a multidisciplinary artist working across a diverse range of media including painting, drawing, photography, video and sculpture. Painting is usually the main language in her work and she approaches other media through the standpoint of painting.
She approaches her work through intuitive play which might be in the form of using methods such as automatic writing and drawing, sourcing materials in second hand markets or by reusing found material. Material sourcing can also be digitally based, as Auður mines photographs from diverse databases as sparks for her works. 
    Physicality and observance play a large role in her narrative and inspiration often begins with personal events, elements in her close environment or from the internet, which she disguises in her visual language. Auður’s work often deals with the attempt to bring harmony in contrasting themes.
Auður consciously works across styles, themes and methods in order to be free. 

Auður holds a BA degree from the Icelandic Art Academy (2013) and a MA degree from the Art Academy in Bergen, Norway (2021). She was nominated for the encouragement award for the Icelandic Art Prize in 2018. She has held recidence in BanFF, Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada, and is a member of the board of the Living Art Museum, Reykjavík Iceland. 


Auður Ómarsdóttir (b.1988)
Lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland


2019-2021 MA, Fine art, The Art Academy KMD, University of Bergen, Norway

2010-2013 BA Fine Art, Icelandic Academy of the Arts

2009-2010 Foundation in fine arts, Reykjavik school of Visual Art

solo exhibitions

    KASBOMM, Thula Gallery, Reykjavik, IS
    Halda Áfram
, Gallery Port, Reykjavík, IS
    Sjálfskaparvíti, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík, IS
    Goodbye, Goodbye, Joy Forum, Bergen, NO
    In off the post, Kling&Bang, Reykjavík, IS
    The Legendary Saloon, (online)
    Zoom, Gallery Outvert, Ísafjörður, IS
    Parallels, Kjallarinn, Geysir Heima, Reykjavík, IS
    MAN I feel like a Woman, Gallery Hvítspói, Akureyri, IS
    Situations, Reykjavik Museum of Photography, Reykjavík, IS
    A few abstract romantic pieces, Myndlistarfélagið, Akureyri Art Museum, IS
    From the front to the beginning, Gallery Port, Reykjavík, IS
    Mountain, Gallery Ekkisens, Reykjavík, IS
    Enter. Space, The Wind and Weather gallery, Reykjavík, IS

selected group exhibitions

    Afmæli, Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, IS
    Kollegar, Gallery Port, Reykjavik, IS
    Status Check, Gerðarsafn Art Museum, Kópavogur, IS

    Ljósabasar, The Living Art Museum, Reykavík, IS 
    30x30, Gallery Port, Reykjavík, IS 
    A little larger than the entire universe, Master exhibition, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, NO
    Smart Brut, Galleri F14E, KODE 4, Bergen, NO

    Zeitgeist, Listasafn Árnesinga, Hveragerði, IS

    Á snærum, Gallerý Port, Reykjavík, IS 
    Le grand salon de noel, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík, IS
     Journey Home, Wind and weather window gallery, Reykjavik Arts Festival, IS 
    26 days later, BAiR Emerging Artists group show, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity,         CA

    Norður og Niður, music and art festival, Harpan, Reykjavík, IS 
    Port nr 3, Gallery Port, Reykjavik, IS 
    White Wash, Ekkisens, IS 
    Summer, Akureyri Art Museum, IS 
    Plan B Art Festival, Borgarnes, IS

    The Death Room, LungA, Seyðisfjörður, IS 
    Video art selection program, Kunstschlager Salon, Reykjavík Art Museum, IS 
    Mara, SÍM / The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, Reykjavík, IS

    Artist of the week, Kunstschlager, Reykjavík, IS

    La Danza De Los Muertos, La Calaca festival, San Miguel de Allende, MX 
    Graduation exhibition / Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik Art Museum, IS

    Rætur, Ketilhúsið, Akureyri, IS 
    Homies where my heart is, Laufásvegur 14, Reykjavík, IS 
    Artíma gallery nr. 1, Artíma gallery, Reykjavík, IS 
    List er snilld, Laufásvegur 14, Reykjavík, IS

projects / participations

2021- Board member of The Living Art Museum

2014-2019 Participations in performances and installations by Kolbeinn Hugi Höskuldsson, Kling&Bang, Mengi, Reykjavik Art Museum, The Living Art Musem, IS

2018 Participation in exhibition, Evolvement, exhibition by Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir, Kling&Bang, Reykjavik, IS

2016 Internship, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Berlin, DE

2015-2016 Member of the artist collective Algera Studio

2015 Participation in exhibition, Framköllun by Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir, Hafnarborg, IS

2012 Curating, Rætur, Akureyri Art Museum / Ketilhúsið, Akureyri, IS

2011 Internship, Spencer Tunick, New York, USA

2011 Sequences Art Festival, assisting artists Hannes Lárusson (IS), Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdottir (IS) and Christian Falsnaes (DK), Reykjavík, IS

awards / grants / residencies

Myndstef, grant 
The Icelandic Visual Arts fund, grant

    Arts Council Norway, Kulturrådet, Diversestipend 

    Nominated for the Icelandic art prize, encouragement award 
    Benediktson Fellowship Fund for Icelandic Artists, grant 
    Residency, BAiR Emerging artists, BANFF Centre for arts and creativity, Canada 
    The Icelandic Visual Arts fund, grant

    The municipality of Akureyri, grant

press and publications

Er allt­af í upp­reisn gegn sjálfr­i sér / Fréttablaðið
Lifandi hattar Auðar / Icelandic times
Auður Í Gryfjunni / Icelandic times
Auður Ómarsdóttir um sjálfskaparvíti / Ásmundarsalur Facebook
Bjarni fór í Ásmundarsal á Þorláksmessu og keypti sjálfan sig
/ Vísir / Stöð 2
Bein útsending í Kastljósi vegna Sjálfsskaparvítis í Ásmundarsal


Bjarni kominn aftur í Ásmundarsal/ Vísir
#151 Skoðanir Auðar Ómarsdóttur/ Skoðanabræður Podcast


– 2018, self published
WINNING: Auður Ómarsdóttir Goes For Gold At Kling & Bang, by John Rogers for the Reykjavik Grapevine
Með breytilegri brennivídd, text/cirtique about the exhbition Zoom in Gallery Outvert by Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl (in Icelandic)


Seen Zine, interview

Murder magazine, photography

HA magazine, editorial of photographs from a collaboration with designer Anita Hirlekar
Gaf sér gjöf frá fyrstu ástinni, Menningin, Icelandic national TV, RÚ
Sýnir í glænýju rými í Geysi, interviewed by Stefán Þór Hjartarsson
The Icelandic artist mixing autobiography with bizarre found photographs, by Benoit Louiseau for i-D online
The magic of analogue photography, by Ivana Dzamic for Lomography magazine


Dogme ljósmyndun inn á Goldfinger, interviewed by Stefán Þór Hjartarson for
Pairs Project, printed, editorial and cover in annual dogme photography magazine
Fjarsamband Auðar Ómarsdóttur, interviewed by Guðni Tómasson for Víðsjá, Icelandic national radio, Rás 1
Fjarsamband /// Contractions, self published


Leitin að heilaga fjallinu rannsökuð, interviewed by Gyða Lóa Ólafsdóttir for
©️ auður ómarsdóttir 2024