Sjálfskaparvíti (Self inflicted inferno)
10.1 - 6.2.2022 Time based performance and a solo show, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik, Iceland
"Self-Inflicted Inferno" was a two-week performance in which the artist invited the audience to contribute themes for her paintings. A studio was established in Gryfjan, situated in the basement of Ásmundarsalur. Guests were encouraged to leave notes in a designated hat, specifying their desired motifs for the artist's canvases. At the end of this period, a number of paintings were completed and exhibited in the café at Ásmundarsalur.
– Listamaðurinn hefur engar hugmyndir!
Kallað er eftir tillögum að málverkum
Almenningi er boðið að taka þátt í sköpunarferli listmálarans og hafa áhrif á það sem birtist á striganum í rauntíma. “Sjálfskaparvíti” er heiti á þessum tímatengda gjörningi þar sem Auður Ómarsdóttir vinnur í gryfjunni í Ásmundarsal 10-30. janúar 2022. Vinnustofan verður opin þar sem hægt verður að leggja tillögur í hatt að málverkum en einnig verður kallað eftir tillögum í gegnum samfélagsmiðla sökum samkomutakmarkana.
Sjálfskaparvíti reynir að fanga tíðarandann, vera spegill samfélagsins og hlýða kröfum þess. Listmálarinn segir skilið við eigin hugmyndir og verður að iðnaðarmanni, framleiðanda hugmynda annara. Markmið tilraunarinnar er að skoða tengsl hins sammannlega, endurspegla stef í hugmyndum almúgans og hvert hlutverk listamannsins sé. Yfir tíma verkefnisins tekur vinnustofan á sig mynd af samlífi hugmynda annara sem endar með sýningu í kaffihúsi Ásmundarsals 3-6 febrúar sem verður hluti af vetrarhátíð.
— The Artist Has No Ideas!
Call for Proposals for Painting Motifs
The public is invited to participate in the artist's creative process and influence the canvas in real time. "Self-Inflicted Inferno" is a time-based performance by Auður Ómarsdóttir, taking place in the pit of Ásmundarsalur from January 10 to January 30, 2022. The workshop will be open for contributions, allowing attendees to submit painting ideas via notes placed in a hat. Additionally, proposals will be solicited through social media in response to social distancing measures.
"Self-Inflicted Inferno" aims to capture the zeitgeist, serving as a mirror to society while responding to its demands. The artist relinquishes her own concepts, assuming the role of a craftsman who realizes the ideas of others. This performance seeks to explore collective consciousness, reflecting the themes expressed by the audience and examining the role of the artist in this context. Over the course of the project, the studio will embody a collaboration of diverse ideas, culminating in an exhibition at the café in Ásmundarsalur from 3 to 6 February, as part of the winter festival.